Mr. Vijay Rajagopalan

Achiever's Success Story
Mr. Vijay Rajagopalan's vision for transformative innovation in GoldPE APM as he shapes the future of gold loans
In the realm of the Gold Loan Industry precious metals, innovation often takes a back seat to tradition. However, Mr. Vijay Rajagopalan’s groundbreaking invention, GoldPE APM (Analysis and Loan Disbursing ATM Machine), shattered this paradigm, revolutionizing the industry and empowering individuals worldwide.
His journey began with a keen observation of the inefficiencies plaguing the Gold Loan market. Traditional methods of getting a loan against gold and precious metals were fraught with challenges, including lack of transparency, Human intervention, High transaction costs, and limited accessibility to financial services. As per records, GoldLoan scams have crossed more than 200+ Crs in recent times, which is a big loss to financial institutions.
Recognizing the need for a transformative solution and Vision of “Eradicating GoldLoan Scams”, he has set out to develop an innovative ATM that would not only generate revenue to bank 24 x 7 x 365 days, it also analyze the purity of Gold and silver, and Platinum and provides instant loans against these assets.
The result was GoldPE APM, the World’s first “Indian Patented – Make in India” ATM capable of analyzing and disbursing loans against Gold, Silver, and Platinum in real-time. Equipped with state-of-the-art AI Neural Network technology, including XRF Analyzer and machine learning algorithms. GoldPE | APM delivers accurate purity analysis within a couple of minutes, eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming laboratory tests and loss of Gold, Silver, and Platinum during acid tests.
As a new disruption in the Gold Loan Industry, customers using GoldPE will have a seamless process from the machine and get gold loans very easily by providing KYC documents or Inserting their Debit card.
GoldPE APM addition to purity analysis, the ATM offers instant loan disbursals within 5 minutes to 8 minutes based on the assessed value of the deposited precious metals. Its APIs are easy and have seamless integration with financial services software.
GoldPE APM is exemplified through its impact on individuals and businesses worldwide. From small-scale Pawn Brokers to large NBFCs, Financial Institutions and Banks across the spectrum are embracing this transformative technology.
GoldPE APM not only streamlines operations and reduces transaction costs but also fosters financial inclusion by providing access to credit to underserved populations. This innovative feature democratizes the ease of gold loans, particularly for individuals who may not have traditional banking relationships or collateral to secure loans.
Moreover, GoldPE APM’s global expansion plans will catalyze economic growth in regions where access to digital Gold loan services is very limited. By bridging the gap between the precious metals market and financial services, GoldPE APM empowers them to leverage their assets for economic prosperity and financial security.
As his visionary invention continues to disrupt the status quo in the Gold Loan Industry, GoldPE APM stands as a beacon of innovation in the industry. With its unparalleled combination of Accuracy, Accessibility, and Convenience. GoldPE APM paves the way for a more inclusive and transparent financial ecosystem, where anyone can unlock the value of their precious metals with ease.