Mr. Nagendra Singh
Achiever's Success Story
Passionate and Inclusive Leader dedicated to problem-solving, nurturing talent, inspiring change, and enhancing communities
Nagendra Singh is a leader with strategic mindset and digital aptitude who can drive innovation and foster competitive synergies by cross-pollination of technologies and business practices. Nagendra’s experience stretches across different industries, including automotive, aerospace, electrical, and renewable energy, and he has worked with notable Fortune 500 companies like Pratt & Whitney, General Electric, and Eaton.
Nagendra played a pivotal role in building cross-functional teams that could develop novel technologies in area of digital design, Industry 4.0, predictive and prescriptive analytics, VR/AR, digital twin and cloud computing, among other endeavours which resulted in faster product launch and improved operational efficiency. His leadership skillset also includes large-scale mergers and acquisitions, managing suppliers, and developing strong external collaboration with academic and industry stakeholders while developing new technologies. Nagendra is a graduate of IIT Mumbai and holds an executive MBA from IIM Calcutta.
As Director & Center Head, OIA Global based out of India, Nagendra is focused on establishing the company’s Greenfield Shared Service Center and driving business transformation using innovative digital technologies and IT solutions.
Nagendra’s journey embodies resilience, risk-taking, adaptability, transparency, and empathy. Nagendra is a passionate individual dedicated to problem-solving, nurturing talent, inspiring change, and enhancing the communities around him. He maintains an unwavering commitment to community service, collaborating with both corporations and NGOs to create positive societal change. His leadership in driving various corporate social responsibility programs focused on children’s education, women’s health, and environmental sustainability have made progressive impact.