Ms. Sanyukta Kulkarni
Achiever's Success Story
Passion for bringing India & USA Trade Closer and developing Strong Business between the 2 countries, combined with her expertise in the International Logistics Industry, Ms. Sanyukta Kulkarni shares her Journey of Success
Ms. Sanyukta Kulkarni is a seasoned Professional with 20 years of Expertise in the International logistics industry. After completing her MBA from one of India’s Best Business Schools ‘Welingkar Institute of Management’, she began her career in the Logistics Industry working for companies like DHL and DB Schenker.
For the last 10 years, she has been passionate about Developing the Trade Corridor between India & USA for her Organization – DB Schenker. Her consistent efforts have been instrumental in Doubling Business for her organization for the India – USA corridor. She also received Multiple Awards and Accolades from her Organization as “Best Trade Lane Manager – 2022” and “Best Trade Lane Manager –2018 “
After spending 8 years focusing on the Indian Market, her Ultimate goal was to Expand to the US markets & thus she moved to the USA in March 2023. After moving to the USA, she took several Initiatives to promote India & Indian Business in the USA. Among them are – Participating in a Round Table Meeting with the Consul General of India at the Indian Consulate in New York. She was also Invited as a Speaker on Stage for a Panel Discussion by GOPIO on the Subject of “India as an Emerging Powerhouse” where she addressed the Audience and spoke about how India can be the Next Manufacturing Superpower for the upcoming decades. Among some other initiatives, were participating in a Round Table Discussion with the IT & Industries Minister of Telangana as well as Attending a Budget Discussion at the Indian Consulate.
She is also Part of the ‘LEAN IN’ circle for Asian Women in New York, an organization that supports women in overcoming biases & developing competencies to grow in their careers. In her words, “I feel like My Journey has just begun. In the next 10 years, I will Continue to Promote India in the Vast American Logistics & Supply Chain Industry & will strive to see India as one of the Top Trading Partners in the USA.”
She is determined, strongly willed & has a winning attitude. Her positive approach towards opportunities & challenges has led her to the position she is in today. Her contributions are critical to the development & future of a more robust India.