The story of Pokerdangal started in 2017 when Mr. Varun Mahna with his engineering mate Mr. Varun Puri and two other talented folks Mr. Karan Gandhi & Mr. Shashwat Jain started Xeta Networks Pvt Ltd.
Mr. Varun Mahna, CEO of Pokerdangal, first met the game Poker in 2005, when he was studying at BITS (Pilani). The game was full of strategies, variations, & mindedly combinations that caused Mr. Varun to fell in love with it. The craze to play Poker & dive deep into it was so extreme that he started playing it with his hostel friends quite too frequently. This obsession for Poker helped him understand the ins & outs of the game and also gave him a dream that someday he would love to spread this bandwagon of Poker in the entire nation.
After BITS (Pilani), Mr. Varun joined XLRI (Jamshedpur), where Poker was in the air. As he had already played it a lot, his interest in poker & business generation started growing up. He then completed his studies, worked for a leading brand like ‘Star Sports’ for more than 3 Years, and made him enough experienced to kick start his own empire.
Mr. Varun says that he invested INR 30 Lacs from his personal reserves & commenced working at a friend’s house. Within a short period, and due to immense hard-work put by everyone, he served nearly 4K-5K active players per day through his platform Pokerdangal. What was to happen then, Pokerdangal skyrocketed and generated more than crores of revenue.
At present, Pokerdangal is headquartered in Delhi, with several other small offices in Kolkata & Chennai. In addition to PokerDangal, the team at Xeta Networks Pvt Ltd is launching its Rummy platform, RummyDangal on 1st September 2020 offering the best online Rummy experience to its users.
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