INFSPL in an Investment Banking Company, Head Office at Pune and also having a Global presence through their associated business partners located at prime locations of the world. They have 19+ years of diverse experience in Investment Banking, Start-Up Funding, Private Equity, Mergers & Acquisition, Financial Sectors and Advisory Services.
Previously a Partnership Firm, now a Private Limited Company they continue to lay emphasis on creating customized solutions across all the Sectors based on the client’s requirement.
INFSPL is a fund raising platform for start-up companies and other growth oriented organization offering them an array of services from idea validation to advisory and funding support through our expertise with the entire ecosystem.
They have invested time & resources to map Investors on Ticket Size, Preferred Sectors, and Categories of Interest by creating a Strong Network of relationships with VCs, HNIs, UHNI, SFO, Angel Investors and continue to do so at every juncture, contributing to the continued success of theirr clients.
Management Team
Dinesh R. Jain
(Co-Founder & Director)
Chartered Accountant with 19+ years of diverse experience in Investment Banking, Start Up Funding, Private Equity, Mergers & Acquisitions, Financial Sectors and Advisory Services.
Veena Jain
(Co-Founder & Director)
With Multi-tasking roles of Human Resource and Administration, Veena ensures the right balance of People and Skills are maintained in the company. Veena specializes at enhancing creative ideas, training & development, employee relations, payroll benefits. She also handles the Digital Marketing, Promotion, Client Engagement etc for the company.
Kapil Kalyani
(Co-Founder & Director)
Kapil has done MBA having 17+ years of experience in the corporate sector in various profiles. He wears various hats looking into Business Development, Deal Sourcing, Investors Engagement, Marketing etc. With exceptional Networking and Marketing skills, INFSPL is connected with the best minds in the ecosystem.
MICR No.: 110485046
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